2017 Schedule

Welcome to 2017, everyone. After taking a nice break with my wife, I’m back to the grindstone and working hard on Across the Blue Line. I’m only about 20% complete but hope to finish the rough draft by late Spring, setting me up for a late Summer/early Fall release (as usual).

As much as I would like to write a second novel this year, either a sequel to Scorched or something different, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to fit it in. Certainly Across the Blue Line is my priority. However, writing Scorched was a nice breath of fresh air and I enjoyed Kat and Sadler’s exploits. Scorched happened more or less “by accident” so we’ll see what happens during the dog days of Summer while I am waiting on my beta readers to go over ATBL.

I will try to write more consistently on the blog now that the holidays are over. I’ll tease some of the major characters in the new book and the interactions between them. Plus, I’ll discuss some absolutely new characters that enter the stage that have been a long time coming. It’s funny how many seeds I planted in my very first book, This Corner of the Universe, not knowing if they would ever come to fruition. It’s very satisfying when one does. A good example is a one sentence acknowledgement of corporate systems in TCOTU that established their existence. They certainly became major players later in the series.

For now, I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. Here’s to all of us having a great 2017!

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